So Much for a Vacation!

Passover and Easter have come and gone (For those of us on the Matza kick it ended just in time) ... Julie and took a few days off but it appears many of you made it in to the store over the weekend for the After Dinner Treats!

Wow ... drum roll, and the winners are:

- 1998 Isole e Olena Vin Santo (Italay)
- NV Somerset Ridge (Paola, Kansas) Ruby Port (More on them in a moment)

My favorite has always been Vin Santo ... what a perfect after dinner treat with some stinky cheeses (think Gorgonzola or Danish Blue piled high on your plate) or even a biscotti. Not a night went by on our trip to Italy where a dose of Vin Santo was not consumed. We even ventured in to the rare vintages to match a birthday.

Back to Somerset Ridge and their Ruby Port (Special thanks to Cindy & Dennis Reynolds for making this tasting possible) ... I had not had the pleasure of tasting this in some time but I was not dissappointed (and from sales this weekend; neither were you!) Easy to drink, well balanced and smooth from start to finish! If you can find it to buy, I would ASAP as there is not much to be had anywhere in town according to the winemakers!

If you have not already had the chance to visit their vineyards you will certainly want to go to the new Somerset Ridge Tasting Room (see the full site at: Having spent a few dinners and tastings with the owners we think they are good people! Watch for (Hopefully) a joint event later this fall for harvest!

That's about all for now ... A few things to remember:

- Tonight (4/20): First Down for Down Syndrome Private Cellar Event @ 6 pm
- Friday (4/21): Blind Tasting starts Friday and goes through next Thursday
- Friday, Saturday & Sunday (4/21, 22 & 23): Free Money (Our debit gift card!)
- Tuesday (4/25): Meet Thrace Bromberger (Co-owner of Gustavo Thrace) and sample her great Napa Valley wines!
- Thursday (4/27): Forks & Corks (A benefit for Harvesters Food Bank) @ Union Station
- Beginning Friday (4/28): New Exclusive Wines (Exclusively sold here)

Have a great weekend ... and be sure to drink lots of Vino!

KC Wine Guy